Ed Callahan
Jun 20, 2022
GOAL member meeting minutes
1. Treasury – Dave 14k
a. Phillies, showing 2700 before paying for tickets/etc
b. Mission down 1400
c. Total as of today 13,689
d. Dante benefit up 600 going in 6-21
2. Drag Brunch– Nick
a. 11/13 at FOP
b. Chinese Auction, Amy Badey, Amber Kee
c. Baskets – Anne and Jo
d. 500 donation to William Way
e. Flyers for PPD, recruitment, PFD, and others requested
3. AIDS walk – Nick
a. 10/16 – volunteer opportunity
4. DVLF – Nick
a. Still awaiting information, conversations are ongoing
5. William Way – Nick
a. Possible hosting a breakfast/lunch for older members
6. Leslie Morant wants GOAL demands by July meeting!
7. William Way Block Party
a. 7/23, Saturday, 5p-7p
b. CPR, Fireboard?
8. Phillies Pride Night
a. 6/28
b. 102 tailgates sold, 91 game tickets
c. Coolers – meet at 1:45P on State Road for Ice
d. M Lot, same as last year
e. 3P – set up – needs – Flags and poles, Pop Ups, tables, Zip Ties
f. AT&T is setting up at tent
g. Anne and Jo handling tickets through Eventbrite, hand off to Sheed/Rob when we go in
9. Pridecast – Rob
a. Podcast wants to talk about LGBTQ policing